Our Mission
The mission of GMCofH is to sing, to perform, and to celebrate the voices of men, including:
To cultivate and further the art of male choral singing;
To develop the musical talents of its members;
To provide entertaining public performances of male choral music;
To perform a wide variety of musical styles;
To foster within the Honolulu community, including but not limited to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) and allied community, an interest in and appreciation of male choral music; and
To affirm the contributions of the LGBT community and to promote a positive image through music.
As a proud part of the LGBT community in Hawaii, GMCofH will seek to support, encourage, and promote that community.
The Gay Men’s Chorus of Honolulu was founded in September, 2012, and is proud to be the first openly gay musical organization in the State of Hawai’i.